You can use the Tracker to simplify the logging of your jobs significantly and offer an improved experience.
First, download the Tracker from the Trucksweb.
Run the installer for the Tracker and press [Install], you may need to grant admin rights.
Then, go to your account, tab connections, generate a token on the Trucksweb and paste it in the Tracker.
Everything is set up now. Read the next chapter to learn how to use it.
Start the game and Tracker, the order does not matter. You may keep the Tracker minimized.
Drive your jobs as normal, you can check that the Tracker has registered a job by looking at the status displayed.
Now that the job has been logged, the only thing that has to be done is to verify it. To do this go to Jobs > My Tracker Jobs.
Confirm that the values have been correctly logged. Optionally add a description and validate the job.
Having Troubles?
In case you're having troubles with the Tracker, ask for help in the #help-and-questions channel on our Discord, or report a bug in #trucksweb-bugs.
Known Bugs
- When you play ETS2 first and then ATS (or vice versa), the tracker possibly doesn't register any jobs in the second game.
Simple fix, restart the Tracker. - When the tracker is minimized, it possibly doesn't register any jobs.
- If the Tracker and plugins are installed correctly, but the Tracker does not register any jobs, check the game.log, if the error 0000007E appears here, install the VC Redist package from Microsoft: